Monday, October 3, 2011

Have you met Ron Tite?

I'm proof of Ron Tite's inspiring nature. After working with him on a number of award galas, a post-show talk with Ron led to the launch of my first business!

Ron has been an actor, comedian, speaker, host, and award-winning advertising writer and Creative Director. Currently, he's VP, Innovation Practice at Euro RSCG, where his ad campaigns for high-end clients have won awards internationally.

Named one of the Top 10 Creative Canadians by Marketing Magazine, Ron addresses audiences across North America, bringing his uniquely creative perspective to corporate topics.

And he once got a black eye while rescuing a little old lady's purse from a mugger. True story.

How did you make the move from stand-up comedian to corporate speaker?

RT: Because I worked in advertising, I superficially understood most industries. That meant I could write custom comedy material that people loved ("He just said the word 'finance'.. that's hilarious!!").

Eventually, I realized that I could use the same creative process to write an insightful bit that I used to write a funny bit. And THAT surprised people. It eventually became more gratifying to be relevant instead of just being funny. Somewhere along the way, my focus just shifted. Instead of being a smart comedian, I'm a speaker who just happens to be funny.

How do you market yourself for corporate events?

Well, the first thing is I develop a stellar product. It's amazing that some people focus on the other aspects of marketing before really dissecting their product.

Beyond that, I try to focus on content marketing. I write a blog, curate content, voice an opinion, and try to stay as socially connected as possible. Obviously, (WARNING: BLATANT PLUG) my representatives at Speakers Spotlight help a ton, too.

What do you think makes a successful corporate event?

Great theme, professional speakers, minimal slides, and at least one mishap involving a CEO who makes an entrance on a trapeze.

What's harder - hosting or speaking?

Hosting. But it can be more fun, too. While I'll usually do a bit of material, I really enjoy simply responding to what goes on around me. When that goes well, the crowd loves it, too. They get more satisfaction out of seeing you make it up on the spot opposed to reciting pre-rehearsed bits.

How has technology changed the event business?

I now stand back and just press play. (Ahem). I love how instantly connected I can be to a huge audience. I use Twitter hash tags so I can gauge the mood of the audience and I incorporate comments into what I do in real-time which is really powerful.

Still, with all the music content available, I still hear either "Life is a Highway" or U2's "One" as walk-in music. More people should call you, Jim.

What've you read or watched that inspired you in your work?

I read and contribute to a ton of blogs but recently, I was inspired by "Talking Funny", an HBO show where Jerry Seinfeld, Chris Rock, Louis CK and Ricky Gervais dissected comedy. It reminded me what I knew and taught me even more. It's a must see for any corporate speaker. It's pretty damn funny, too.

Was there anyone in particular who inspired you?

Mitch Joel is a pro. Mike Lipkin is a machine. Gary Vaynerchuk is a tasmanian devil. Sir Ken Robinson is articulate. Malcolm Gladwell is just a huge brain. Amber Mac is entrepreneurial. Avinash Kaushik makes a boring subject brilliantly entertaining. James Cunningham is fearless. And Steve Patterson is the best standup in the country. They're all completely unique but they all connect with their audiences.

Any favourite gadgets or programs that you use for work?

Besides the usual (iPhone, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Facebook), I use Google Reader to track and curate content and WordPress to create / host it. Zymanta is a great content tool, too. I work with Todd Lohenry of e1evation (Wisconsin) to constantly update my operational flow to content. He's amazing.

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Follow Ron online:

TWITTER: @rontite


FACEBOOK: /rontite


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